Friday, May 4, 2012

Nothing is as it Seems

A narcissist works on lies, myths, illusions;
they lie from the ground up,
or they distort what actually is.

They see right through you and everyone
else; they know what makes us tick and they use
that information to pull sway.

They psychologically decimate others--
but surreptitiously, never obvious, so
as to avoid suspicion and make you doubt
yourself, never them.

(And they do target the people they
think they have the best chance of
working over to do their worst work.)

Hell, they can even convince you they're
a good person who cares about you
while they're instilling doubt and undermining you.
That kind of insidiousness is what gives them joy.

(Don't feel bad; this is what they do,
it's what they're good at.
Most people fall prey to their lies.
Think of these people like a super-virus;
even the healthiest person's body isn't
strong enough to stand up to the illness!)

Just like a virus, the entry is
undetected. The takeover is slow
and insidious; you don't even know you're
sick til your feverish and falling over.
It's too late to prevent--
you now have to purge.

The only cure for a sociopath is to get them out of
your head, your life, your surroundings.
That's the only cure; you can't make them
well or change them, but
you can make yourself well by
getting rid of them.

Most importantly, as the
great Benjamin Franklin said,
"Believe none of what you hear,
and half of what you see."

With a narcissist, don't believe
a god damned thing you see, hear, or think.

They've specially targeted everything
they do, say, and act to seduce and use
you. They know what your Achilles'
heel is. Beware.


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